Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Some photos from the Digital Mindy promo shoot.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Digital Mindy Promo Shoot

So I did these photos for the Digital Mindy boys last month and have been waiting to post since they will be re-launching their website soon with some of the images. Oh well, I can't wait. They turned out great and I wanted to share a few :O)
I've never really done portraits, but I'm pretty happy with the results.
Enjoy the sneak peak for those who follow these very talented guys.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The World/Inferno Friendship Society 4.10.09 @ Reggie's

Good news! My camera works! Hurray!
Oh and here are the only photos from the show I got before the "incident".

Friday, April 10, 2009

My first experience at Reggie's Rock Club

What an evening...

So I was at Reggie's Rock Club for the first time about 45 min ago photographing The World/ Inferno Friendship Society. The place was PACKED, but in the best way. You know the kind, where the kids are going nuts but there is still some room on the side of the stage so you can breath a bit and not get blasted by the amps.

Before they took stage, I was chatting it up with a few kids in the front row. A group of three I believe were just giddy with excitement and one asked me about my camera, " Aren't you worried about something happening to your camera?" I'm usually not very worried unless the shows are packed and there isn't any front rail for me to shrink into. I've shot enough rowdy crowds in tight spaces in the past to know what to expect. After the question, I was a bit concerned about my beloved 5D's safety, but hell, it comes with the territory sometimes. I responded to the question with something along the lines of, well it's a job so it's part of the risk. They asked if I would be posting the photos online, and I was planing on it, so I gave them a link to this here blog.

I got my gear all set and moved to a comfortable spot for the start of the show. Inferno took the stage and everyone started screaming. I hadn't heard their music at this point. Brian Viglione of the Dresden Dolls, now World/inferno, invited me out to shoot saying how much fun the show is. I must say they are a super cool band with an explosive stage presence. Keyboard, base, drums, guitar, horns (a sax in the SteamPunk sytle), more drums, etc. I was so stoked to shoot.

Then it all changed.

I took a few shots, and was suddenly covered in some liquid. Not really me, so much as my arm and camera. I immediately took out the battery to my camera and disassembled it to just the body. I surveyed the damage in the bathroom and it was definately damp. Luckily I think it was just water, so I'm hoping for the best onces it's had a chance to completely dry over the next day or so. I stayed for a bit more of World/inferno but was too concerned with my rig. I mean not that I can do anything at home really but let it dry. I droped a cellphone in Lake Michigan and managed to save it so all I can do is wait and hope for the best.

I got maybe 4 shots of the show, so I'll post and update tomorrow with any photos I can.
So to end this story kids, even though I'm not happy about the way the evening turnd out, I saw a bit of a very cool band. Oh and the irony is unbelievable...I can't believe I jinxed myself. Anyway, you'll never take great photos if you're not willing to risk a little. This is the first catastrophe in 6 years, and I've always taken cameras to places I shouldn't inorder to get good images.

I mean where would Alfred Stieglitz be had he not gone out into the winter streets? Everyone was all like, " YOU CAN'T SHOOT OUTSIDE AT NIGHT!", and he was like, "Watch me."

- Sara T

Monday, April 6, 2009

I'm still editing the photos from the Mindy shoot. The makeup shots have needed more post processing than I originally though, but they are turning out superb. I was working on them at Intelligentsia Broadway yesterday when we had a frakin snowstorm... yea April snowstorm... and Mike Phillips came up behind me and was like, "Oh shit! What happened to that guy!"
The shots are coming out realistic enough for a response like that. Definitely made my day. I'll post as soon as possible. I did do some shots of Carlos the same evening that turned out very well also.